Rather than the typical grass that’s thirsty much of the year and dies with cold snaps, these ornamental grasses offer beautiful wisps of color throughout the seasons.
Noted with each ornamental grass is its Plant Hardiness Zone, or the areas of the US best for the needs of the plant. For reference, the West Coast zones typically range from 8 to 10, but more information on the USDA Plant Hardiness Zones can be found here. Additionally noted is whether the plant thrives in sun or shade, or is evergreen, meaning it remains green throughout the year.
1. Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’
Plant Hardiness Zone: 3 to 9
Full sun
This very low maintenance grass, Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’, shines much of the year, as it is hardy is zones 3 to 9. Even in the heat along the coast, this plant benefits from full sun and is evergreen. It’s a good idea to leave the grass seed heads and leaves up through the winter as food for birds and to enjoy their golden plums. They can be cut down in March to refresh.
2. Hakonechloa macra

Plant Hardiness Zone: 5 to 9
Partial to full shade
If your yard is shady, the Hakonechloa macro will be happy there. Although a little sensitive to the cold, this bright green grass will bring a pop of color most of the year. In late summer, small white flowers bloom and, come fall, the leaves fade to a pinkish red.
3. Pennisetum spathiolatum
Full sun
Pennisetum spathiolatum is a wonderful pick for warm and coastal gardens. Talk, wispy strands of green provide lovely texture among drought tolerant plants and succulents.
4. Sesleria autumnalis
Plant Hardiness Zone: 5 to 8
Full or partial shade
Sesleria autumnalis (captured in the foreground) blooms during the summer and remains green year round, with soft silver tips. Very adaptable, in both sun and a bit of shade, this grass is perfect for a yard varying in light.
5. Helictotrichon sempervirens

Plant Hardiness Zone: 3 to 8
Full sun
With soft spikes of sage, Helictotrichon sempervirens will remain green all year in cooler climates. This is a plant that loves the sun and remains drought tolerant despite the additional rays.
With such a wonderful variety of ornamental grasses, there’s bound to be one fitting for your yard. If you’re lost with which one would best accommodate your space, speak with a landscape architect or designer. Enjoy a new lush lawn that’s better for you and the surrounding environment.