
Corinne Marangi
logs in a sand filled play space
The natural playground creates a world to be discovered; it consists of structures built from what exists in nature and allows for children’s creativity to shape their play. Here are some structures, which can be interwoven into a landscape design as a cost effective and equally safe alternative to standard structures. 1. Start with Some...
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Home shaded by street trees
A tree in your median is so removed, it may seem like a nonessential afterthought. But in reality, it is an important asset to you and your neighbors. Here are a few reasons you should consider planting a tree in your median. Urban Heat Island Effect is Mitigated By planting a tree in the median,...
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Front yard seating area with California native plants and fountain
The space in which we choose to live, our community, often includes people we rarely connect with naturally; they may not be our close friends or family, but those to which we are just geographically close. These individuals, however, pose pockets of connection that are important to our daily wellbeing, as shown in this study,...
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About Us

A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of