On the day-to-day, not much thought may be given to the bee. In fact, many, such as myself, may assume that a bee’s sole purpose is to create honey. But in reality, there are 1600 species of bees in California alone—many of which do not create honey, but are vital to the California landscape.
The existence of beautiful native flowers and plants is contingent on the pollination of bees. Native bees, in particular, are 200 times more efficient than honey bees at pollinating and, for that reason, are are essential contributors to California’s vibrant and nutritious native crops.
Most native bees are solitary and actually quite gentle; they rarely sting. Rather than a hive, native bees tend to create nests by burying into the ground and leaving bits of nectar or pollen for the eggs when they hatch.

By working closely with a Landscape Architect, you can construct a beautiful and bee-friendly native landscape that will help revive the declining local bee population, reduce your carbon footprint, and improve the health of your area’s entire ecosystem.

Here are some tips to consider when designing a bee-friendly landscape:
- Eliminate the use of pesticides
- Plant a diverse array of plants rich in nectar and pollen
- Choose plants that can be planted progressively over the seasons
- Leave areas of soil without mulch as spaces for bees to nest

Refer to the following post on Bee Friendly Gardens to learn which are the best plants for bees in a landscape design.